Hi, I’m Shannon.
I love a good story. Maybe that’s why I’ve worked in children’s book publishing for over 12 years. Maybe that’s why I loved finding new homes for real estate clients. Maybe that’s why I always talk to locals on vacation to get the inside scoop. Whatever the reason, it’s in my blood. Storytelling and branding go hand-in-hand. Whether it’s in my work or personal life, my favorite question to ask is: “What’s your story?”
Why does that matter? Because customers crave connection. 86% of consumers say that authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support. My goal here is to help clients align their personal brand with their business brand to deliver authentic messaging and lasting impressions. In short, I’m here to help make the insides match the outsides. Customers need to feel connected with the brands they love. They want be part of the story too.
I have 20 years of branding, marketing and sales experience with both big corporations and small businesses. After my second child arrived right before the start of Covid, I decided to leave the corporate world and focus on family. In refining my own personal brand, I realized that I, too, needed to connect with others and build relationships. My passion for branding and storytelling and sharing favorite products around the kitchen table has turned into Table Talk Branding.
Because the way you tell your story can make all the difference.