Worlds Collide

For those of you Seinfeld fans, the line “Worlds Collide” might be familiar to you.  In this particular Seinfeld episode, George is upset because Elaine, part of his sacred friendship foursome, has asked his girlfriend Susan to hang out. George is adamant that he needs to keep his friendship and his relationship worlds apart – he doesn’t want the two bleeding together because things are certain to blow up and never be the same.  Is this concept valid?  I used to think so.


But, if there’s anything I’ve learned in the past two years, it’s become nearly impossible to keep our different relationships and “worlds” separate.  The work world has become blended with personal life as more people are working from home while simultaneously managing distance learning with their kids, illnesses, and healthcare challenges with aging parents.  Kids and pets are often seen popping in and out of Zoom calls.  There’s doorbells ringing, home repairs happening and really just life in general going on.  We are truly SEEING more of one another and what makes us who we are. 


So, why not embrace that?  Let’s focus on our personal brand and align it with our business brand.  Let’s explore what makes us great at what we do – both at home and in the workplace.  Let’s give each other a little bit of grace and at the same time allow ourselves to grow into this new space, this new world.  Take a moment and write down your personal core values and goals.  Do they shine through in all areas of your life? Is your collision as seamless as it could be?

Worlds Collide


Colorizing Your Life